Nina Jambrina and Gabriela Acosta Bastidas UT2J



The workshops “Theatricalities of memory and body-territories” of the University of Antioquia were held at the University of Antioquia.
The TransMigrARTS project will be carried out during the first half of 2023 with communities in Argelia, in the Páramo area of eastern Antioquia, and Vigía del Fuerte, on the Atrato River, also in Antioquia. Researchers Gabriela Acosta Bastidas and Nina Jambrina of the Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, who were able to accompany the workshops and the team of the University of Antioquia, propose to share this experience through two articulated interviews; the first with the voices of Ana María Vallejo, Luis Ramírez, Natalia Quiceno and Orlando Arroyave[1] who thought and taught these workshops; the second with the testimony of John Jairo Chaverra Murillo, participant of the Vigía del fuerte workshop and leader of his community.







Natalia Quiceno – Ana María Vallejo – Luis Ramírez Zuluaga –
Orlando Arroyave Álvarez –

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of memory and

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