Colombia’s public university in the Capital Region of Bogotá. It runs 43 undergraduate and 38 graduate programs, organized in five faculties: Science and Education, Technology, Engineering, Environment and Natural Resources, and Arts-ASAB.

The University, based on its principles, promotes and fosters cultural, philosophical, scientific, technological, artistic, pedagogical and ethical development in the different fields of knowledge as a factor of modernity and change in Colombian society. As a Higher Education Center, it fosters all forms of research and interpretation of reality. It fulfills the function of re-elaborating permanently and with a broad spirit the different conceptions of the world and searching for new forms of social organization, in an environment of respect for individual autonomy and academic freedoms, research, expression, association, information, learning and teaching.

Research is a permanent, fundamental and essential activity and the basis of the spirit of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. It is oriented to expand the different fields of knowledge, to create and adapt technologies. To that extent, its purpose is to support, guide and make viable the formation of leaders in their field to find solutions to the problems of the community.

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